Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas pictures

Well I tried to get pictures of the kids by our christmas tree/fireplace. It was somewhat successful so I thought I would share them with you.

Kagan's turn...... it was a little harder with him believe it or not. He had a hard time sitting still, keeping his legs together, keeping his hands down, staying in the chair ect ect

Now getting them to work together was even more of a challenge. Kagan was the one that had problems staying still. Adaline did great, just watching Chris be silly was good enough for her, although she didn't think he was too funny b/c she hardly smiled.


The Lourceys said...

These are so cute! I love the ones with her sitting and him standing beside the rocking chair.

chrisa4357 said...

So cute!! And I love that your children are wearing Disney pj's - how appropriate!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Fun, fun, fun! The gingerbread ribbon on your tree is adorable. And I love the "rocking chair" pick of Adaline standing by Kagan. Her grin reminds me of your baby pictures!