Thursday, December 6, 2012

Adaline's Christmas Play

Every year Mt. Harmony Preschool does a little 15 min Christmas Play. Kagan was in it when he went there and this year was Adaline's turn. Chris had to work the night before so he didn't get to go, so it was just me and Garn. I came barring candy, snacks, Ipod, and Leapster just to make he stayed quiet.  I tried to take pictures and video at the same time all while he wallowed over me. Needless to say I didn't get very good pictures or video, but here are some pictures I did get.

the little boy standing up is Landon

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I loved seeing that little head poking up from the back row, and her smirky little grin makes me smile. She's a character for sure. ;)