Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Little Miss

Our little Missymiss is 18mths old now. Where has the time gone?
She has been a little blessing to our family.
Now that she is 18mths she thinks she's the same age as Roo and tries to do
everything he does and has to have everything he has, same food, same toys, ect.

She can say pretty much anything you tell her to say. Actually she talks better than Roo
did at her age, although she doesn't say everything so clear yet. She does like to jibber jabber.
One word she does say very clear is MINE. Thanks to Roo. She thinks everything is hers and she is not afraid to let you know. If you tell her to do something, she will shake her head no and say uh uh with a little smirk on her face.

She also knows her animal sounds so if she sees a cow or a horse, she will say the sound it makes instead of the name (although she knows their names). So if we have chicken for dinner she will say bock bock before she eats it. It's funny but I think you just have to be there to hear her say it.

She also is starting to play with her babies a little more. I caught her today hugging and kissing her baby without me telling her too. She was loving on the baby like we love on her. It was very sweet.

She has finally learned how to give closed mouth kisses. I was so getting tired of my cheek getting bit and it being soaked after one of her kisses. On occassion she will take a little nibble from my cheek. Although she will bite and pinch if she doesn't get her way. She's not all sweet.

She is also socialable. Much more so than Roo. He tends to be more shy and she is the social butterfly. She will tell everyone she meets "HI" even if they aren't paying attention to her.

I'm so sure there is much more to say about her but my brain doesn't work much anymore thanks to the pregnancy.

Adaline has been a special addition to our family and we believe that she will be a wonderful and helpful big sister come the spring. We are very excited about all that is to come for our family within the coming years. God has blessed us with such beautiful and loving children.


Aunt Tricia said...

I do love it that she repeats whatever you say to her, love how she says my name! Can't believe she is so independent, a chip off the ole block!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

What a cutie! She looks so grown up in this picture. :)